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Dollar Bill in Jar

Choose "Offering" from the menu.

We follow the Biblical guidelines of tithing and giving back. Choosing to tithe any amount helps us keep our missions going, our lights on and the ability to teach the Word of God to our community.

Image by zhenzhong liu

Choose "Playground Equipment" from the menu.

Our playground is in dire need of an upgrade! Please consider helping us update our playground equipment to better serve the children of our congregation and community. Every bit helps, and every penny counts. 

Image by micheile dot com

Choose "Alms Fund" from the menu.

All proceeds go towards helping congregants and community members with various financial assistance.

Image by Ged Lawson

Choose the name of the family or deceased from the menu.

Memorial funds are set up to honor those who have passed. Make sure to choose the correct name from the drop-down menu when prompted to choose an envelope. This ensures the donation goes into the correct account.

Bikery Family Picture.jpg

Choose "Birkey Family" from the menu.

The son and daughter-in-law of church members Dale and Mary Birkey, Jon and Lindsay Birkey serve the American Indian Field as Camp Directors at Southwest Indian Ministry in Peoria, Arizona, for children and youth camps.  Jon and Lindsay would like to develop a network of churches and pastors for kids to return to in their home areas who will help nurture them in their faith while they are not at camp. 


Choose "Mast Family" from the menu.

The son and daughter-in-law of Howard-Miami Mennonite Church members Weldon and Linda Mast, Justin and Hannah Mast and their children are missionaries in Ljubljana, Slovenia. They trust God to raise up a movement among high school and university students that will be able to influence every segment of society in Slovenia for Christ. 

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